Green Your Spring at the Healthy Homes and Gardens Event
The Healthy Homes and Gardens Event will be held on Saturday, April 26 at Badlands Sno-Park (772 Kinney Road, Hudson) from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. The event is sponsored by the UW-Extension St. Croix County Home and Community Education Club (HCE).
The day will include sessions on gardening (pallet and straw bale), garden art, landscaping for butterflies and bees, healthy household cleaners, CSA gardens, backyard chickens. The day will also include door prizes, book sale and quilt raffle.
Admission is $15 and includes all sessions, lunch and door prize drawings. Proceeds from this event will go towards our Services of Love fundraising project, the Bookworm Trail’s building, at Homestead Park on Perch Lake.
To pre-register make your checks payable to the St. Croix County HCE and mail to: Melissa, Ag Center: 1960 8th Ave, Suite 140, Baldwin, WI 54002 by April 16. Walk-ins welcome!
For information call (715) 531-1930. Doors open at 9:30am. Coffee, juice and pastries will be available for sale.
“Discover the Best of the Hudson Area” Visit the Spring Showcase!
The Hudson Grocery Co-op will be at the Spring Showcase held on Sunday, May 4 at the Hudson Sports & Civic Center (1820 Hanley Road) from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. Come by and say ‘hello’ to your fellow members, board of directors and volunteers! This event is free and open to the public. Visit the Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau for more information.
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