Here is a helpful chart that shows when you can fine produce and products at your local farmers market.
In July 2020 HGC participated in Hudson’s St. Croix RiverFest by partnering with the Hudson/North Hudson River Channel to create a video on back yard foraging. Hudson Grocery Co-op presents backyard foraging with Russ Lake.Read more
$1 million = The value of products purchased directly from local producers by River Market co-op of Stillwater. 1,838 Miles – the distance an average carrot travels from farm to reaching your table. 3 FarmersRead more
The Co-op believes in “Building Community Through Food” and actively supports local food and producers. This month, we’re excited to introduce you to Melinda Vue, the culinary force behind One Love sourdough bread and DogRead more
It’s never a bad time to decide to start supporting your health! Although it can be challenging to ensure you’re getting all of the nutrients your body needs from diet alone, building a personalized supplement routine is a good way to fill in any potential gaps. But with so many
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