Here is a helpful chart that shows when you can fine produce and products at your local farmers market. Download a printable chart Read more
Here is a helpful chart that shows when you can fine produce and products at your local farmers market. Download a printable chart Read more
By Daniel Sherwin Teaching your child to cook is an invaluable lesson. Not only do you help pass on skills that contribute to a healthier lifestyle, but it is also a wonderful opportunity for bonding. Of course, the kitchen has its share of dangers. From fires to knives to invisible bacteria that are justRead more
Have you heard? Supposedly there is a “big game” on Sunday! Personally, I won’t get to watch much of the game as I will be focused on what to feed the crowd! But this isn’t going to be a dinner party – I have to make football food! Good game day food doesn’t have toRead more
The start of a new year provides an opportunity to make changes to your life. At this early date, many people resolve to be more organized, improve exercise programs, or introduce healthier options into diets. This last point is something that is near and dear to the heart of Hudson Grocery Cooperative, and we wouldRead more
Tips for Organizing Toys New and Old Are you ready for the infiltration of toys, games, and clothes that are scheduled to appear in the next few days? Not just for children, but adults too. Although we know it is better to give than receive, I think we can all honestly say it is funRead more
Isn’t it odd that on Thanksgiving we stuff ourselves with food and say Thanks for things that we have. But then the next day we rush out to get the things we don’t have? – Local Media Announcer It’s inevitable. You will gain at least 5 pounds during the holidays. Between the big dinners, cookies,Read more
Ever hear yourself say, “Be grateful that you have food on your plate”?! I bet that I am not the only parent reading this who has heard these words come out of their mouths when the kids balk at what is being served! But what really is being grateful? A local businesswoman, Heidi Metro, hasRead more
The most common protein featured at the Thanksgiving buffet is the turkey. But what flanks the turkey on the dinner plate? Traditionally (according to TV advertisements) it is congealed cranberries, frozen green beans smooshed together with concentrated “mushroom” sauce, and crescent rolls out of a can. Sounds delicious doesn’t it? The Thanksgiving menu doesn’t haveRead more
Lately, I’ve been hearing the word “nutrition” thrown around a lot. You hear it on the playground, you hear it at the gym, and you even see it on the school lunch menu!! What do you think of when you read or hear the word “nutrition?” I bet we’d get a different definition from eachRead more
The new school year has started and children are returning to the classrooms with clean backpacks, new crayons, pencils that still have an eraser, and white sneakers. Many children are also carrying their lunch to school. Unfortunately for some children, more thought was put into the brand of crayons in their pencil box than intoRead more
BOGO on Aura Cacia 🛁 Aura Cacia Mineral Bath brings to you the clearing, warming and energizing effects of natural essence.
Fine-textured salts, pure essential oils and other mineral-based ingredients create optimum benefits for the mind, body and spirit.