Here is a helpful chart that shows when you can fine produce and products at your local farmers market. Download a printable chart Read more
Here is a helpful chart that shows when you can fine produce and products at your local farmers market. Download a printable chart Read more
In July 2020 HGC participated in Hudson’s St. Croix RiverFest by partnering with the Hudson/North Hudson River Channel to create a video on back yard foraging. Hudson Grocery Co-op presents backyard foraging with Russ Lake. Learn about edible plants growing in your backyard. From common garden plants like daisies and hostas to wild plants likeRead more
Seasonal Availability: Winter squashes are harvested in Wisconsin in August through October, depending on region and squash variety. Health Benefits: Nutrients depend on variety, but in general, squash are low in fat and calories and tend to have high vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber, magnesium, and potassium. The darker the orange color of the squashRead more
Seasonal Availability: Generally, parsnips begin to be harvested in Wisconsin in October and November. These vegetables may be unfamiliar to you, but they are easy to prepare and are quite versatile. Health Benefits: At only 55 calories per half-cup serving, parsnips are an excellent source of dietary fiber, vitamins C and K, and manganese. HowRead more
Seasonal Availability: Hello, state fruit of Wisconsin. Wisconsin is the main U.S. producer of cranberries, which are generally harvested in September and October. Health Benefits: These low-calorie berries are high in fiber and vitamins C and E–antioxidants that protect your cells and help limit aging caused by molecules called free radicals. How to Select: SelectRead more
Seasonal Availability: Brussels sprouts start popping up in farmers’ markets, co-ops, CSA boxes, and grocery stores in late September through November in Wisconsin. Health Benefits: Brussels sprouts are in dietary fiber and vitamins K and C. In fact, just three ounces (around a cup) of sprouts contains four times more vitamin C than an orange.Read more
Seasonal Availability: Depending on variety of apple and region of Wisconsin, apples are harvested in mid-July through the fall, and if kept well in storage, locally-grown apples are available through the winter. Health Benefits: Apples don’t have fat, cholesterol, or sodium; and they’re full of antioxidants like pectin, among other essential nutrients. Do yourself aRead more
Seasonal Availability: In Wisconsin, depending on the region and climate, leeks are harvested mid-August through the fall. In some regions and with some varieties, leeks are harvested the spring following planting; this “overwintering” results in a larger and stronger tasting leek. Health Benefits: High in vitamins A, B6, C, and K, leeks also provide yourRead more
Prepared improperly, this vegetable can become a greasy mess, or turn a sauce soupy. But, a few tips will help you to instead make fabulous dishes: here’s how to use eggplant. Seasonal Availability: Locally-grown eggplant is usually available in August and September in Wisconsin. Health Benefits: This nightshade is a brilliant source of dietary fiber,Read more
Seasonal Availability: Wisconsin farmers and gardeners harvest cabbage late June into November; however, it keeps well and can be found throughout most of the year. Health Benefits: The nutrients vary from variety to variety; however, most are high in vitamins C and K as well as fiber, riboflavin and minerals. How to Select: Whether greenRead more
It’s never a bad time to decide to start supporting your health! Although it can be challenging to ensure you’re getting all of the nutrients your body needs from diet alone, building a personalized supplement routine is a good way to fill in any potential gaps. But with so many