Here is a helpful chart that shows when you can fine produce and products at your local farmers market. Download a printable chart Read more
Here is a helpful chart that shows when you can fine produce and products at your local farmers market. Download a printable chart Read more
Despite the chilly weather and freeze warnings here in Wisconsin, springtime vegetables are on their way. One of them packs an unmistakable peppery crunch. Let’s talk about what to do with radishes! Season: In Wisconsin, these crunchy little orbs are harvested in May and June, and then again in the fall, depending on region, weather,Read more
Welcome to the summer produce series brought to you by the Hudson Grocery Co-op! Each week this summer you will find a blog post with helpful information about seasonal, Wisconsin-grown produce: how to choose it, how to store it, and how to use it. Whether you pick them from your backyard garden, CSA box, farmer’sRead more
It’s never a bad time to decide to start supporting your health! Although it can be challenging to ensure you’re getting all of the nutrients your body needs from diet alone, building a personalized supplement routine is a good way to fill in any potential gaps. But with so many